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Watchback Presidential Discourse | The Critical University with Dr Mary Canning

Watch the recording of the Presidential Discourse, with outgoing Academy President Mary Canning in conversation with Brian MacCraith MRIA, that took place on 28 February 2023.

Universities in most western functioning democracies continue to enjoy public support and are prized as bastions of freedom and of independent critical thinking as a resource for society. However, in many countries freedom of speech and freedom from government interference in teaching and research are under threat. And within the university, funding models increasingly discriminate against blue skies research and the humanities.

In conversation with Professor Brian MacCraith, the Academy’s outgoing President, Dr Mary Canning explored the role of universities at a time when major global, societal and technological challenges require those institutions to provide an autonomous and trusted public voice and an internal culture that encourages students and academics to engage respectfully with those challenges.


Public Engagement
Discourse Series