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The issue of migration is central to both national and European Union (EU) political agendas. We are witnessing a rise in anti-migrant rhetoric and the constant evolution of state policies designed to deter migrants, in parallel with record levels of global migration. In this context, the recently adopted EU Pact on Migration and Asylum has been described as a ‘game-changer’ in terms of shaping the legal framework for the coming years. However, the Pact itself is highly complex, composed of a series of legal instruments spanning asylum, borders policy, legal migration and anti-smuggling measures. In March 2024, the Irish Government confirmed its plans to ‘opt-in’ to most of the legislative measures comprising the Pact. This lunchtime seminar brings together academic experts to critically examine the key aspects of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum and situate Ireland’s planned implementation of the Pact within recent migratory trends.


  • Professor Cathryn Costello (UCD Sutherland School of Law) - On the central elements of the Pact and key debates at the European and national level
  • Professor Mary Gilmartin (Department of Geography, Maynooth University) - On the Irish context and trends in recent migration to Ireland
  • Chair: Dr Clíodhna Murphy (School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University)

This event is presented by the Ethics, Politics, Law and Philosophy and the Geography and Geosciences committees of the Royal Irish Academy and is supported by the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University, and the Maynooth Centre for European Law.