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Key considerations include data privacy, the volume and type of data required for AI advancements, and different types of AI workloads—referencing President Coughlin's work on memory and storage—and the ethical use of IEEE material to foster academic and technological innovation. It will also look at the challenges that universities face in AI research amid the dominance of large corporations, focusing on access to computational resources and the potential for informed legislation and other initiatives to support equitable access.

Dr Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant with over 40 years’ experience in the data storage industry. Alongside many publications and six patents, he is also the author if Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in its second edition with Springer. Dr Coughlin is an IEEE Life Fellow and has served numerous volunteer leadership roles within the organisation.

Orla Feely MRIA is President of University College Dublin, President of CESAER (the Conference of European Schools of Advanced Engineering Education and Research), and a Fellow of the IEEE. Known for her research in the area of nonlinear circuits and systems, she has been awarded research grants and prizes from a number of national, international and industry sources. Professor Feely has previously served as Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Impact at UCD from 2014 to 2023 and President of Engineers Ireland.

Royal Irish Academy Discourse Series

The Royal Irish Academy’s discourses are the oldest and most renowned series of talks in Ireland. The first discourses were presented in 1786. Historically, Academy discourses were the occasion reserved for the most distinguished academics to first reveal and discuss their research in public. Continuing in this tradition, the Discourse Series brings international experts to the Academy to discuss important contemporary issues in front of a live audience. Past discourses are available to watch back on


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