What you need to know to apply for the Charlemont Grant scheme
Applications are accepted for the following:
- Proposals for a clearly defined piece of research or research activity undertaken through a short international visit, which will have an identifiable outcome on the completion of the project
- The scheme will support a short visit to any country to support primary research in any subject area
- Applications for visits of between one week and six weeks in length will be considered
- The key objectives of the research visit should be to: (i) initiate one-to-one collaborations, and/or (ii) explore opportunities to build lasting research collaborative networks and/or (iii) to gain access to ideas, library resources, research facilities including the use of equipment and/or (iv) receive research training not available in Ireland
- Funds are available to facilitate initial project planning and development and to support the direct costs of research
All applications should demonstrate that RIA funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the RIA funded component of the project.
• Applications are open to all researchers who have obtained a PhD (viva voce must have been passed by the application deadline) and who are within seven years of receiving their PhD at the start of the term of the grant period. Applicants therefore must have obtained their PhD on or after 10th February 2018. Candidates with PhDs awarded before that date will not be eligible.*
• Applicants can submit one application per grant round.
• Previous Charlemont Grant recipients are eligible to re-apply, if they meet criteria.
• Applicants should be ordinarily resident and working in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
• Applicants may hold a maximum of two RIA awards in any five-year period.
*Circumstances for extending eligibility
• Maternity leave: 18-month extension for each child born before or after the PhD award, regardless of how long the applicant took for maternity leave. If the applicant can document a longer maternity leave, the eligibility period will be extended by the documented amount of actual leave taken until the deadline of the grant scheme. The same principle also applies for child adoption.
• Paternity leave: Applicants will be granted an extension equal to the documented amount of paternity leave actually taken for each child born before or after the PhD award. The same principle also applies for child adoption.
• Parental or carer’s leave: Applicants will be granted an extension equal to the documented amount of leave actually taken by the applicant for each incident which occurred after the PhD award.
• Long-term illness (over ninety days for the applicant or a close family member, i.e. child, spouse, parent, sibling): applicants will be granted an extension equal to the documented amount of leave actually taken by the applicant for each incident which occurred after the PhD award.
Grants may be sought to cover the direct expenses incurred in planning, conducting, and developing the research. All purchases must be supported with fully itemised and vouched expenditure.
The costs incurred may include:
• Project planning and development costs (cost of travel for discussion in Ireland and overseas; initial workshops with potential partners)
• Travel and maintenance for grant holder incurred during international visit
• Research assistance (not to include salaries/wages. See ineligible costs for further details)
• Limited consumables (to a maximum of €500) to include specialist software, photocopies etc.
The only expenses payable are the costs directly related to the research being carried out, up to a maximum of €2,500.
Please note that Subsistence rates set down by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform can be used as a guideline to ascertain maximum allowances but only expenditure that is fully itemised and vouched can be reimbursed/considered.
A per diem rate is not offered to grantees in cases where vouched receipts are not provided.
• Only one Charlemont Grant award may be held, or applied for, at any one time.
• The remit of the call is to establish/foster new collaborations; travel to collaborate with former supervisors is not allowed.
• institutional overheads, or any element that should properly be ascribed to institutional overheads; computer hardware including laptops, electronic notebooks, digital cameras, etc; lab / bench fees, books and other permanent resources;
• the preparation of camera-ready copy, copy-editing, nor any other editorial task;
• subventions for direct production costs, costs of publication in electronic media;
• any costs which could be identified as wages/salaries (inc. replacement teaching costs);
• travel and maintenance expenses for purposes such as lecture tours or to write up the results of research.
• As the scheme is operative on an all-island basis, travel between Ireland and Northern Ireland is not considered international travel for the purposes of this scheme.
• An application will not be accepted if there is a report outstanding or any outstanding funds to be returned on any previous research grant awarded by the RIA to the applicant named in the current application.