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The assessment of candidates nominated for a Gold Medal is made by an award committee.

The committee will consist of:

  • The Polite Literature and Antiquities Secretary chairs the award committee for the Gold Medal in the Humanities and the Gold Medal in the Social Sciences. The Science Secretary chairs the award committee for the Gold Medal in the Chemical, Mathematical and Physical Sciences; the Computer and Engineering Sciences; the Environmental Sciences, Geography and Geosciences; and the Life and Medical Sciences.
  • at least one other Member of the RIA, nominated by the Senior Vice-President;
  • up to three others nominated by the Senior Vice-President, having consulted with the chair of the committee; and
  • one or more international external assessors, who will be invited to provide a report on the shortlisted candidates, selected by the committee, for the final assessment. The committee will consider the external assessors’ reports when determining the final choice for the award.

The tasks of the committee are to select:

  • a shortlist of candidates (this will normally be two to three, and only exceptionally more than this);
  • a list of appropriate international external assessors; and
  • select an awardee to recommend to Council for consideration and approval.

The award committee procedures will be subject to conflict of interest and confidentiality processes.
