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Join us for this year's Hamilton Lecture

The Royal Irish Academy is pleased to announce that the 2024 Hamilton Lecture will be delivered by Professor Laura DeMarco.

The geometry and algebra of the Mandelbrot set

The committee representation includes academia, research centres, interest groups and SFI. The committee’s functions include addressing topical issues with a national or international focus and advising the Academy on the formation of policy. The committee also acts as the national adhering body for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The committee has a varied programme of works including lectures, publications and special events focusing on key issues. These events include the annual Hamilton Lecture and the Kathleen Lonsdale RIA Chemistry Prize.

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Hamilton Day

Hamilton Day commemorates a groundbreaking discovery by Ireland’s most famous scientist. Hamilton Day commemorates a ground-breaking discovery by one of Ireland’s most famous scientist. On 16 October 1843, William Rowan Hamilton discovered quaternion algebra, while walking along the Royal Canal from Dunsink Observatory to the Royal Irish Academy (RIA). This was one of those very rare Eureka moments in the history of science. So excited was he by his discovery that he scratched his equation on the wall of Broome Bridge, Cabra.

Hamilton Day

19th-century William Rowan Hamilton seated at a desk with a quill in hand