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Trinity College and SADSI students through to the Irish Times debate finals, in a semi-final hosted by ARINS

There was full house in the Royal Irish Academy last night for the semi-finals of the Irish Times debate

Students from Trinity College Dublin’s Historical Society (Hist) and the Solicitors’ Apprentice Debating Society of Ireland (SADSI) have secured places in the final of The Irish Times third-level debating competition.

Clíodhna McHugh from SADSI progressed as the top individual speaker in Thursday night’s semi-final, while Martha McKinney-Perry and Andy Cullinan of the Hist were the top team to advance.

The semi-final, which took place at the Royal Irish Academy, was hosted by ARINS and chaired by Rory Montgomery.

Read more about the debate on The Irish Times

Main image: Hannah Egan from the Solicitors’ Apprentice Debating Society of Ireland speaking at the Irish Times Debate semi-final in the Royal Irish Academy on Thursday night. Photograph: John Ohle/The Irish Times

Image below text: The top team Martha McKinney-Perry and Andy Cullinan of the Hist