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Schools engagement programme 2022

In the spring of 2022, Grangegorman Histories engaged with the Dublin 7 Educate Together National School and St Mary’s Primary School to explore different historical themes associated with Grangegorman.

Dublin 7 Educate Together National School (D7ETNS) At D7ETNS, Eamon Delaney led a series of workshops with the 2021-22 sixth class exploring the military history of the area. Eamon’s sessions included a visit to the Grangegorman Military Cemetery to learn more about the people from their area who participated in the two World Wars of the twentieth century. The pupils then worked with Artist Adrienne Geoghegan to explore how they might represent some of the lives and stories that they had learned using collage. This presentation shows a sample of some of those artworks.

St Mary’s Primary School The 2021-22 sixth class pupils at St Mary’s Primary School worked with Dublin City Council Historian-in-Residence Cathy Scuffil to explore the impact of the famine years of the mid-1800s on the three large institutions at Grangegorman: the North Dublin Union Workhouse, the Richmond Lunatic Asylum and the Richmond Penitentiary. The pupils also visited Grangegorman for a special tour of the TU Dublin Lower House (formerly Richmond Lunatic Asylum) and the Clocktower Building (formerly the Richmond Penitentiary). This presentation captures some of their experiences.


Grangegorman Histories