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EASAC report released: Towards an International Plastics Treaty

Systemic failures are driving rapid growth in production, consumption and leakage of plastics in the marine, terrestrial and freshwater environments, shows a new EASAC Commentary. The summary of the latest scientific evidence aims to inform negotiations of a much-needed International Plastics Treaty.

EASAC, the European Academies’ Science Advisory Council, has released a report entitled “Towards and International Plastics Treaty”.

The report examines current and projected use of plastics internationally and makes the following recommendations:

10 Science-based recommendations for an International Plastics Treaty

  • Set a target for reducing plastic primary production with the aim of reducing the overall need, demand and use of packaging
  • Ensure all plastics are reusable, recyclable or compostable to allow circularity
  • Internalise all external (environmental, social, health) costs into the basic market price for virgin resin
  • Make product designers and retailers responsible for minimizing single use for on-the-go items and make the responsible path the cheapest option to change consumer behaviour
  • Ban deliberate addition of microplastics to products
  • Commit to increasing the safety, durability, reusability, refillability, repairability, and refurbishing capability of plastic products
  • Incentivise companies to collaborate in reverse supply chains
  • Request life-cycle-analysis and proper biodegradability standards for resins claiming biodegradability
  • Extend producer responsibility to all costs related to waste management
  • Allow only exports from OECD to those non-OECD countries that consent

Please see the attached report for full details or visit the EASAC website