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Please keep an eye on our Grants section of the RIA website where news of new schemes or scheme openings are communicated



The Royal Irish Academy recognises excellence and inspires future generations of thought-leaders through awards and medals.

Our awards and medals identify and celebrate the achievements and international impact of Ireland’s world class researchers along with individual contributions to the advancement of the Academy itself. While these awards and medals presented to individual researchers, it is broadly accepted as a recognition of the extraordinary work of institutes, research teams and individual dedication to the advancement of the Academy and its objectives.


The Royal Irish Academy recognises excellence and inspires future generations of thought-leaders by awarding the Hamilton and Kathleen Lonsdale prizes. These prizes serve as both recognition of accomplishments and incentives to scholars and early career researchers to endeavour.

The Michel Déon Prize for non-fiction supports and champions writing talent to sustain his legacy in celebrating the richness and diversity of cultural experience in Europe.

Affiliated international prizes

The Royal Irish Academy is a member of several global academic networks and international scholarly associations.

We work to raise the international profile of Ireland’s researchers and research networks, strengthen the voice of the sciences, humanities and social sciences and support international collaboration and mobility through Academy grants, awards and prizes programmes. We work closely with sister academies including international research collaboration grants.

The Royal Irish Academy nominates suitable candidates for esteemed and prestigious international prizes. In addition to endorsing nominations, the Academy communicates successful candidates’ activities to national academics and policymakers in Ireland.