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Grangegorman Lives: A Place in the Community

From the RTÉ Archives, this RTÉ Radio One Documentary ‘A Place in the Community’ is a special feature in the Grangegorman Lives series.

From the RTÉ Archives, this RTÉ Radio One Documentary ‘A Place in the Community’ is a special feature in the Grangegorman Lives series. The documentary was first aired on 27 December, 1984 and features interviews with some of the medical practitioners and clients of St Brendan’s Hospital, Grangegorman. The documentary is a rare record of the experiences and lives of people living and working within the institution and gives voice to their experience. The documentary is available here

The documentary was produced by Edward Mulhall and presented by Betty Purcell.

With thanks to RTÉ Archives.

Grangegorman Lives is a series of biographies of women and men whose lives influenced or were influenced by Grangegorman.